As part of Area 15 we are invited to enter teams and individuals in various competitions. These are both Area Championships and Qualifiers for the British Riding Club Championships. There will be a Team Manager appointed for each competition and these will be overseen and supported by the WVRC Team Coordinator.
All Wye Valley Riding Club members are encouraged to take part in these competitions, so please get in touch with the Team Coordinator or any other committee member if you would like to compete on behalf of the club at these events. Important information for team members is at the bottom of this page.
Your Team Manager is Kat Burton
Tel: 07876442609
Email: Kat Burton
All Wye Valley Riding Club members are encouraged to take part in these competitions, so please get in touch with the Team Coordinator or any other committee member if you would like to compete on behalf of the club at these events. Important information for team members is at the bottom of this page.
Your Team Manager is Kat Burton
Tel: 07876442609
Email: Kat Burton
BRC Christmas Cracker online dressage competition
This is a great opportunity to compete without leaving your yard provided you have a school or area you can mark out a 20 x40m dressage arena and you can persuade a friend to video you. Tests range from Intro to Advanced Medium so there should be something for everyone. The schedule and how to enter can be seen here .
Entries are made individually, and the closing date is 25 November with videos to be submitted by 2 December.
Several members have already entered, and we have one team but there is no limit to the number of entries/teams. If you would like to join in, please contact Janet as soon as possible, [email protected]. We will enter another team if there is enough interest.
This is a great opportunity to compete without leaving your yard provided you have a school or area you can mark out a 20 x40m dressage arena and you can persuade a friend to video you. Tests range from Intro to Advanced Medium so there should be something for everyone. The schedule and how to enter can be seen here .
Entries are made individually, and the closing date is 25 November with videos to be submitted by 2 December.
Several members have already entered, and we have one team but there is no limit to the number of entries/teams. If you would like to join in, please contact Janet as soon as possible, [email protected]. We will enter another team if there is enough interest.
BRC Area 15 Qualifiers 2025
Details of the all the 2024/25 area qualifiers and championships can be seen on the BRC Website
Winter qualifiers
Dressage to Music Qualifier, Sunday 26th January,
Bromyard EC.
Classes: Prelim, Novice, Elementary Medium and Advanced Medium.
We have one competitor at this qualifier, Janet Peters riding Fleur in the Elementary Class.
Schedule available here
Bromyard EC.
Classes: Prelim, Novice, Elementary Medium and Advanced Medium.
We have one competitor at this qualifier, Janet Peters riding Fleur in the Elementary Class.
Schedule available here
Winter SJ Qualifier, Saturday 15th February, Hartpury
Are you interested in being in the team for riding as an individual or this qualifier? Hartpury is a lovely venue with great indoor competition and warmup arenas.
Classes: 60cm (NEW), 70cm, 80cm, 90cm,100cm.
There will be separate junior and senior classes for the 70cm and 80cm but the 60cm, 90cm and 100cm classes will be mixed.
Schedule available here
Please remember you must have a valid membership to enter.
We are trying to streamline the entries process, so we require your entry fee of £28 (the class entry fee and a contribution towards the BRC pre-entry fee) before 24th January.
Pre-Entries close Friday 24th January
Are you interested in being in the team for riding as an individual or this qualifier? Hartpury is a lovely venue with great indoor competition and warmup arenas.
Classes: 60cm (NEW), 70cm, 80cm, 90cm,100cm.
There will be separate junior and senior classes for the 70cm and 80cm but the 60cm, 90cm and 100cm classes will be mixed.
Schedule available here
Please remember you must have a valid membership to enter.
We are trying to streamline the entries process, so we require your entry fee of £28 (the class entry fee and a contribution towards the BRC pre-entry fee) before 24th January.
Pre-Entries close Friday 24th January
The intermediate Dressage Qualifier has not yet been arranged
Details of competitions in 2025 will be added as they become available
Please contact email [email protected] if you are interested in entering any of the winter qualifiers.
Details of competitions in 2025 will be added as they become available
Please contact email [email protected] if you are interested in entering any of the winter qualifiers.
Results from the previous year's qualifiers & Championships are available here.
Many results available on RidingClubResults.co.uk
Many results available on RidingClubResults.co.uk
Winter Qualifiers/Competitions
BRC Christmas Cracker online dressage competition
There were over 90 teams and our team were not in the top 20 but not last either, and all found it a useful exercise! Congratulations to Jaci Crocombe, Jacinta Magee, Tim and Janet Peters for giving it a go, often in pretty rough weather
Winter Novice Dressage, 03/11/24, Pencoed, Southerndown RC
We had one team entered but 2 were unable to compete.
Introductory Qualifier, 19/10/24, Broomes EC, Hereford & District RC
We had 1 member, Jan Woodland, competing and she came 5th in the Intro 1 Class.
Arena Eventing, 19/10/24, Broomes EC, Hereford & District RC
We had 2 individuals competing in the large 90cm class, but they were not placed.
Summer qualifiers/Championships:
National Championships, 31st August 2024
Julian Holmes competed in the 90cm class.
SWWRC Championships: 17th August 2024 at Hartpury Equine Arena
We had one team in the Riding Test Class and they came 3rd!
Summer Dressage & Riding Test, Sunday 7th July 2024, Usk Showground
WVRC ran this and all went smoothly. We had a couple of individual entries and teams in the Preliminary and the Riding Test classes. Our Riding Test team qualified for the SWWRC Championships at Hartpury on 17th August where we came 3rd out of 12 teams.
Horse Trials, Saturday/Sunday 29/30th June 2024 at Howick
It was great to have the Area HT qualifier at Howick again. It ran at the same time as the BE and the area Pony Club qualifiers so it was very busy. We had three individual entries in the 90cm class and Julian Holmes did well in his section and qualified for the HT Championships at Swalcliffe in August.
Summer Show Jumping & Style, Saturday 25th May 2024 at Smugglers Equestrian Centre
We had two entries in the 80cm and the 90cm class and one 6th place.
Winter qualifiers 2023/24:
Intermediate Winter Dressage, Sunday 26th March 2024 at Ponderosa Equestrian Centre, Newport NP18 2DW
Our team, Sian Buffrey, Sandra Wharton, Georgia Wyllie and Janet Peters did really well and came 2nd!
Georgia also won her Novice class and Janet was placed 4th in the Elementary.
Congratulations to all and thanks very much to those WVRC members who volunteered to help.
Winter Show Jumping, Saturday 17th February 2024 at Hartpury Equine Arena
We had a team in the 90cm class. Well done to Megan Allmand, Julian Holmes, Debbie Watson and Sandra Wharton who came 3rd out of 7 teams. They all rode lovely clears in the first round but just had a couple of poles down in the 2nd part.
Wye Valley ran this and, thanks to all of you who gave your time and helped the event to run, everything went smoothly and everyone seems to have had a good day.
BRC Christmas Cracker online dressage competition
There were over 90 teams and our team were not in the top 20 but not last either, and all found it a useful exercise! Congratulations to Jaci Crocombe, Jacinta Magee, Tim and Janet Peters for giving it a go, often in pretty rough weather
Winter Novice Dressage, 03/11/24, Pencoed, Southerndown RC
We had one team entered but 2 were unable to compete.
Introductory Qualifier, 19/10/24, Broomes EC, Hereford & District RC
We had 1 member, Jan Woodland, competing and she came 5th in the Intro 1 Class.
Arena Eventing, 19/10/24, Broomes EC, Hereford & District RC
We had 2 individuals competing in the large 90cm class, but they were not placed.
Summer qualifiers/Championships:
National Championships, 31st August 2024
Julian Holmes competed in the 90cm class.
SWWRC Championships: 17th August 2024 at Hartpury Equine Arena
We had one team in the Riding Test Class and they came 3rd!
Summer Dressage & Riding Test, Sunday 7th July 2024, Usk Showground
WVRC ran this and all went smoothly. We had a couple of individual entries and teams in the Preliminary and the Riding Test classes. Our Riding Test team qualified for the SWWRC Championships at Hartpury on 17th August where we came 3rd out of 12 teams.
Horse Trials, Saturday/Sunday 29/30th June 2024 at Howick
It was great to have the Area HT qualifier at Howick again. It ran at the same time as the BE and the area Pony Club qualifiers so it was very busy. We had three individual entries in the 90cm class and Julian Holmes did well in his section and qualified for the HT Championships at Swalcliffe in August.
Summer Show Jumping & Style, Saturday 25th May 2024 at Smugglers Equestrian Centre
We had two entries in the 80cm and the 90cm class and one 6th place.
Winter qualifiers 2023/24:
Intermediate Winter Dressage, Sunday 26th March 2024 at Ponderosa Equestrian Centre, Newport NP18 2DW
Our team, Sian Buffrey, Sandra Wharton, Georgia Wyllie and Janet Peters did really well and came 2nd!
Georgia also won her Novice class and Janet was placed 4th in the Elementary.
Congratulations to all and thanks very much to those WVRC members who volunteered to help.
Winter Show Jumping, Saturday 17th February 2024 at Hartpury Equine Arena
We had a team in the 90cm class. Well done to Megan Allmand, Julian Holmes, Debbie Watson and Sandra Wharton who came 3rd out of 7 teams. They all rode lovely clears in the first round but just had a couple of poles down in the 2nd part.
Wye Valley ran this and, thanks to all of you who gave your time and helped the event to run, everything went smoothly and everyone seems to have had a good day.
Important information for team members
Please note that:
Please note that:
- for all Area competitions we need details of your horse such as its name on the passport, the passport number and the horse's microchip number so it would be useful if you could fill in the Data Entry Form and email it to the training coordinator.
- all horses/ponies need to be fully flu vaccinated in accordance with BRC Rules. The required annual booster injections should be at intervals of not more than a year apart and no injection to have been given in the 6 days prior to the competition. Please ask if you are in any doubt.
- Hats and Body Protectors, if required, must comply with BRC standards. These can be seen by clicking on the links.
- Whips for all jumping qualifiers must comply with the BRC Members Handbook Competition Rules (Appendix A4 Dress Code).
- Further details are in the BRC Handbook, and any subsequent amendments, which can be downloaded from the BRC website
- 50% of pre-entry fees are currently paid by the Club but all other entry fees for each qualifying competition will need to be covered by the competitor. Payment must be made before the pre-entries are due, normally 21 days before the competition.
These entry fees range from around £25 for Dressage and Show jumping, £35 for Combined Training and Arena Eventing and approximately £80 for the Horse Trials. This includes a contribution to the Pre -entry fees to BRC which the club subsidises when possible.

Policies & other important information Contact Us © 2021 Wye Valley Riding Club. All rights reserved.